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Now You Too Can...




Just On Your Current Income

Without Giving Up The Things You Really Enjoy

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    Gain Access To These Exclusive Techniques

    Save Serious Money

    Save thousands in wasted interest and put that money back in your pocket. Too much of your money is paid for the benefit of others. Time to get it back.

    Save Serious Time

    Save years of lost time. Have you ever thought about how many working hours it takes you to earn the money you pay for your debts after tax?

    Save Serious Wealth

    Create your future wealth just on your current income. Find out how to have enough money so it doesn't run out when you need it most in retirement.

    Money Rules Was Developed For Women

    Here's What They're Saying...

    "make a massive difference to families and individuals"   

     What I like about the Money Rules is that as I tweak things I can see in the graphs where I am saving and I get excited because I can see that it’s going to be OK. 

    In fact, it’s going to be great. We will be reducing our debts sooner than the contracts which is so exciting. It means we can plan to save, sooner!      

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, for getting my HEADSPACE in the RIGHT PLACE and giving me the tips, resources, and tools to change my poor money mindset to a more positive GET GREEDY mindset.       

    I really hope many others get on to this program and read your book because I know you and what you have created is going to make a massive difference to families and individuals and the economy around the world!

    Heather James

    Melbourne - Australia

    Jo Cenko

    "We call it our Financial Success Roadmap"

    Money Rules is an incredible financial tool that has given us a crystal clear reality check of where we are heading financially. 

    We call it our Financial Success Roadmap rather than referring to it as a budget. The program is so much more than just another boring old budget. It provides a wealth of information including graphs, forecasts and an ability to easily identify where things need change.

    After losing my job we were feeling overwhelmed dealing with a variety of income streams and expenses relating to a large property portfolio, a small business and just one salary.       

    Money Rules has provided an insight into our situation that we have never had before and set us up for a future where we have been given a new direction, can manage comfortably and feel in control again.                   

    Jo Cenko

    Adelaide - Australia

    Money Rules was created so that you get to keep more of your money in your pocket

    No Budgeting

    You can forget about that word - budget! Money Rules will show you how to manage your life free from restricted living without needing to scrimp to get through from one week to the next.

    Fast Results

    There's nothing more satisfying than seeing a great plan come to life. Using Money Rules regularly means you will achieve your goals far more quickly than you ever thought possible. Best part is ... you can beat those goals!

    Easy To Use

    Simplicity is the secret to how Money Rules works. All the heavy lifting is done for you. No need for a degree in mathematics or science. You'll quickly understand how everything follows an easy and simple flow.

    Future Proof

    Failing to plan is planning to fail. Money Rules works with your current income and expenses to help you plan a path to financial freedom that is real and easily achievable. You won't need to eat packet noodles for years on end.

    Core Benefits

    The greatest benefit of Money Rules is it will show you how to quickly and easily eliminate all of your debts and take back control of your life. No more wasted money lost on interest and fees so you will save years of time. 

    Financial Plan

    Money Rules saves you more than just years of wasted interest, lost time and gets you debt free far sooner. It also shows you how to use that very same money to create your future wealth just on your current income.        

    This is your financial plan!

    Money Rules is about fast results for action takers

  • Money Rules is simple and effective from the time you enter your numbers

  • Money Rules will guide you from beginning to end with amazing clarity, purpose and direction

  • Money Rules allows you to predict and control your financial destiny with dignity

    ... and support is always available

  • Money Rules Will Save Your Future

    Our hectic modern life is continually evolving, and although the cost of living increases daily, incomes fail to keep pace.

    Each day becomes more expensive just to survive.

    Making ends meet is harder than ever with more than 70% of families living paycheck to paycheck and using credit cards to meet the shortfall.

    Those who fail to address the problem immediately will become long term victims and can expect to live in future poverty. 

    The sooner you start to manage your money, the sooner you'll experience the freedom, control and growth it gives you.

  • You will save years of wasted time

  • You will save thousands in wasted interest payments

  • You will create your future wealth just on your current income 

  • Money Rules keeps more of your money in your pocket

    Is It Easy

     The answer is 


    Will It Work

     The answer is 


    Can I Do It

     The answer is 


    How Much Time & Money Can You Save?

    Savings will vary according to each individual. No two results will ever be the same.

    Would That Change Your Life?

    Every minute, Every hour, Every day

    is costing you Time & Money!